This is us. This is our life and the path we have chosen. We're sure there are many like us, with that wandering spirit. The one that drives us and is fueled by our curiosity and intrigue of far away places.
Tara is a photographer, exceling at the fine art aspect. In her eyes, everything's a photograph. Tara has often said she wished her eyes were cameras. And in a way they are. It's Tara's passion to chronicle her life and the lives around her in brief moments, capture it in frame.
Trevor is a writer and a painter. He believes in the honesty and power of art. In Trevor's mind everything's a story. He's been studying the alchemy of word for his entire life, and for all he has mastered he knows he will be learning for the rest of his life. Trevor enjoys painting visual metaphores of political, social and religous statement.
Together we have owned property around Toronto and also rented. We get great satisfaction from making our home a beautiful place, a welcoming comfortable atmosphere, one that cultivates and inspires artistic creation. Despite this, we still get that overwhelming travel urge. That listless desire to simply be somewhere else. To live and exprience those places most of us only see in films. The ones about Kings and Queens, and adventures in exotic far away places.
So one day we got the notion to house sit, to care for people's homes when they are abroad. And it's turned into an amazing experience. We have the privelege to stay in peoples beautiful homes all around the world. In return we provide for the home owner peace of mind, knowing their house, and quite often their pet, is secure and treated with loving care and respect.
This is our journey. Our chosen path. And this blog will chronicle all of our adventures.